The things You Should Know About Pregnancy Over 40

Pregnancy Over 40 - There is a certain level of risk in all pregnancies. Some increases in risk when you are older. It's not all bad news by any means; there are many mothers who have wonderful things to say about becoming parents later in life. But if you enter the fourth decade and become pregnant or trying to get pregnant, here are some things to think about.

The optimal age for birth is 20-35. As evidenced by the figures of the National Bureau of Statistics, but this does not match the reality of life recently, when you get "settled in life was a bit more difficult than it was a few decades ago. However, women aged 35 upwards are considered "elderly" mothers. This is the point at which fertility begins to decline, thus women find it difficult to get pregnant in this age. According to NHS statistics, by the age of 35, a third of women will have problems during pregnancy, and this rate rises to two-thirds by the age of 40 years. Males fertility also decline because they approach the 40S, although at a slower pace.

Some couples suffer from difficulty in pregnancy because it has been successful with fertility treatments, although the success rate of IVF options such as decreased with age as well as normal pregnancy, and the possibility of abortion with IVF pregnancy also increased, with age. At the age of 40-42, one in 5-1 of 10 IVF cycles evolved into successful pregnancies - but at the age of 43-44 which dropped to between one and five in 100 years, the decline sharply. At the age of 44, your chance of getting pregnant using IVF is considered minimal. However, many older parents who are pregnant. In 2015, 29,000 women aged over 40 have a child and 2,000 women over age 45. In fact, now more children are born to women over the age of 40 than women under the age of 20 years.

Interestingly, the older you get, the greater your chances of having twins, because of FSH hormone, which is produced as a decrease in fertility. It's a natural way to give you a chance to double your chances. If you are pregnant with a complication, you will have additional appointments, as well as careful monitoring of his elderly mother must be considered of course.

If you are an old mother, you can be seen by a doctor instead of midwives in prenatal appointments, especially if this is your first pregnancy. Medics may refer you to the "old primagravida" - it looks like the blooming cheek, but it actually means you're the first mother or age over 35. You have to go through all the usual tests and tests on prenatal appointments, but additional tests can also be offered. This is optional, so naturally you will experience a decrease - but some deviation can be overcome better than standard tests.

Pregnancy Over 40

There is some testing in pregnancy over 40. All pregnant women are given a blood test about 12 weeks for things like HIV, anaemia, rhesus condition and inherited blood diseases. Further examination can be done to look for irregularities or specific issues related to the fetus in the case of abnormal antenatal test results. As an old mother, you may be considered high risk, in which case these tests may be recommended to you - though as always, it is your choice to accept it or not.

A nuchal scan can indicate whether you have a higher risk of genetic abnormalities, especially Down syndrome, and most women are offered regardless of their age. A cavernous scan needs to be done between 11 weeks and 13 weeks plus six days - they can be performed as part of a 12-week scan. Other blood test is done in conjunction with this. Blood tests look at several levels of hormones that can indicate a higher chromosomal abnormality risk.

A combined test of a cavernous test only gives an indication of the risk and will be expressed as such 'risk factors,' such as one of 2000 or one of 80. Keep in mind that the higher your age, simply as statistically age increases risk factors. If you consider that a high risk, you may be subjected to a more specific test to obtain an indication of a genetic disorder that is more accurate. This is an invasive test and you should consider whether or not increasing the risk of associated abortion is possible for the peace of mind that they will encounter.

The chorionic villus sampling takes a sample of cells from the placenta, to see the embryo DNA. It is offered between week 10 and week 13 can be detected: Cystic fibrosis, muscle dystrophy, genetic disorders like Down syndrome, metabolic disorders such as antitrypsin deficiency, mental health conditions such as X fragile syndrome, genetic blood disorders such as sickle cell anemia and thalassemia Amniocentesis involves taking a sample of amniotic fluid from the uterus. Usually between week 16 and week 22, this can be used to test: Cystic fibrosis, Edwards’s syndrome, Down's syndrome, Pato syndrome, sickle cell disease and thalassemia, Tay Sachs disease, Rysus disease, NIPT tests and infection.

The new test, known as non-invasive prenatal testing or NIPT is available at present. It is still screening test, but it is much more accurate in detecting deformities (Edwards, Down syndrome and Patau) with a detection rate of more than 99%. If your results are in great danger, it needs to be confirmed with a diagnostic test. It is already available privately and is being piloted for NHS use. It is a simple blood test that does not pose any risk of CVS or amniocentesis.

Getting pregnancy over 40 can mean you feel tired, stress and lack of energy that a little harder during pregnancy. However, with age as experience comes, independence and more stability. Do not be discouraged by the nay sayers, or postpone some statistics. Most women have become mothers in their forties does not have any problems at all, and most will not change what they do when spending time.

The things You Should Know About Pregnancy Over 40. There are any The things You Should Know About Pregnancy Over 40 in here.