Chances in Getting Pregnant at 40

Getting Pregnant at 40 – Experts say after 40 years, it is almost impossible to become pregnant by using your eggs. At the same time, many women at 40 women want to get pregnant, by using some fertility treatments and some are not. Pregnancy at any age has its advantages and disadvantages. Many people believe the best time to have a baby is at the age of 20s and early 30s. However there is a plus for parents who have baby at 40s. Usually they are more focused on their baby than younger parents. In the 20s and 30s, you tend to have much pressure on yourself as parents. You thought it would be a disaster if it is not running correctly

Drawbacks of Trying to Get Pregnant at 40

-         You may have difficulty in pregnancy. This is because the supply of eggs significantly decreases in this age, and older eggs usually have chromosomal problems, increasing the risk of miscarriage defects. There is a sharp decline in fertility rates in the 40s. Chances are you're pregnant at the age of 41 is much better than at age 43.  The researchers found that women aged 40 years who were treated for infertility had a 25 percent chance of pregnancy using their own eggs. However, at the age of 43, this number dropped to 10 percent, and 44 percent to dropped 1.6 percent.  Using donor eggs increases the likelihood of pregnancy. However, many woman hopes can get pregnant by using their own eggs.
-         You are more likely to experience difficulty in pregnancy. Pregnancy complications are another concern. In Getting Pregnant at 40, you are more likely to face problems such as high blood pressure, placenta problems, and diabetes during pregnancy and complications of birth.
-         You are at high risk of premature baby. Women over the age of 40 tend to birth low birth weight or preterm infants. The research also shows that children born from older mothers may be prone to have type 1 diabetes and hypertension (although the relationship is not strong).

-         The sperm of your partner is older too. Do not forget to your partner. Although most men are physically capable of being the father at 60s and even at 70s, the quality of sperm deteriorates as they age. Sperm of older men have a level of genetic abnormalities that are higher than the sperm of younger men. In recent years, studies have suggested a relationship between the conditions of father's age and genetics related conditions such as schizophrenia, Down syndrome, and autism spectrum disorders.
-         You can torture your money. One thing you should keep in mind: there is a financial advantage to have children. If you wait, you may have to continue working for older age. You still have financial responsibility as your friends start to retire. If money is not put aside for retirement yet, it will be difficult to do once you have a child. Other things also become more expensive, such as life and health insurance. Finally, if you are having trouble Getting Pregnant at 40, the treatment fertility can really add up.

Your Chance to Get at 40s

Nearly half of women over the age of 40 suffer from fertility problems. You have about 5 percent of chances of getting pregnant in a single ovulation cycle. At the age of 40, your chance of getting pregnant per year is about 40 to 50 percent, compared to a woman in the mid-30s, which has a 75 percent chance. At the age of 43, the chance for women to get pregnant fell to 1 or 2 percent. At the age of 43, you really at the end of your egg supply. The abortion rate began to arrive in the 40s as well. At the age of 40, this figure is 34 percent and rose to 53 percent at the age of 45. The risk of pregnancy complications, such as high blood pressure and gestational diabetes, increases after 35 years and continues to increase at the age of 40. At the age of 40, your chances of conceiving a child with Down's syndrome is in 100. At the age of 45 is one in 30. Because genetic problems risk is increasing with age, experts routinely recommend that women in their 40s have detailed fetal screen includes advanced ultrasound, fetal DNA blood test, amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling.

Mothers at 40 also have a 50 percent chance of cesarean section due to complications of childbirth. In cases of newborns who suffer from low birth weight and dead children are also higher. One positive fact on your side: new assisted reproductive technologies method (ART) is provided. Although the success rate of in vitro fertilization (IVF) drops significantly when women use their own eggs after the age of 35, your chances of success by using donor eggs remain high at with 50 percent pregnancy rate for women in the age of  40s.

How To Get Pregnant at 40

To give yourself a better chance of getting a normal pregnancy and a healthy child, consider taking some important steps before trying to conceive. Read the following tips to help you prepare for pregnancy. If you are in the early 40s age, health care providers are likely referring you to go to fertility specialist if you do not get pregnant after having sex without using condoms (usually about 2 or 3 times a week) for up to six months. Others suggested that we immediately see a specialist - especially if there are special reasons you may have problems with pregnancy, such as ovulation difficulties, irregular menstruation, or problems with your partner's sperm. Most specialists begin a test to determine if there is a problem with the way your ovary function. Then they will check the tube or fallopian tube problems of your partner. If there are no such problems found, your infertility will probably come of age and decrease in egg quality. Your doctor will tell you about your choice depending on your personal circumstances. That is all about Getting Pregnant at 40.

Chances in Getting Pregnant at 40. There are any Chances in Getting Pregnant at 40 in here.