Writing the Pregnancy Medical Journals

Pregnancy Medical Journals - An estimated 4 million American women give birth every year and about a third of these women will suffer some kind of complication. Often, a doctor can detect and prevent the occurrence of this problem, which means that prenatal care is a very important way for the mother and her unborn child. When the mother immediately went to the doctor, she took steps to protect herself and her child.

You can start regular meetings with your doctor even before you become pregnant. If you want to have a baby, you should visit your doctor to make sure that you are ready to carry physically. This includes disease test that can be transmitted to your baby, such as B-group bacteria or rubella. In addition, if you have a condition such as high blood pressure or diabetes, you can discuss the best way to solve this problem so that you threaten your precious child. Before pregnancy, you can also discuss a genetic disease that occurs in your family.

Once you suspect you are pregnant, you should make an appointment with your gynecologist after the first 2-4 weeks of missed period. If you have not done before the disease tests, this is when the doctor will examine the health problems that can be transmitted. He will also perform blood work and help you find a good prenatal vitamin to feed you and your baby.

Even if you are in good health and normal, you should visit your doctor every four weeks until the 28th week of pregnancy. It is to study the problems that may develop as well as make sure that your baby grows properly. After 28 weeks, you have to go every 2 weeks during week 36 of pregnancy. From there, you have to visit every week until birth. Testing during routine visits can continue to monitor conditions such as preeclampsia and gestational diabetes. Routine medical care during pregnancy can help prevent long-term health problems. However, it can be expensive to receive this treatment. In such cases, you should make sure that you have a good health insurance company that can help you pay this medical bill.

Many expectant parents also choose to have one or more of the following prenatal testing that can help predict the probability, or sometimes even detect some chromosomal anomalies or fetal development. In first trimester screening, your doctor may recommend a blood test to measure two substances - associated with plasma protein pregnancy and HCG (human-directed chorionic gonad). Second examination in the third (between 16 and 18 weeks), the level of alpha-vito-protein, a protein produced by the fetus, can be measured in the blood of pregnant women.

Additional tests may be recommended is Amniocentesis. In this test, a needle is used to take a sample of amniotic fluid from the uterus. It usually takes between 15 and 20 weeks. Sampling of the chorionous villus procedure is used during the first three months for the same purpose as amniocentesis. You may have at least one ultrasound to confirm the normally pregnancy and check the expected delivery date. You can write the result of the medical test above in Pregnancy Medical Journals.

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