Write Your Own Pregnancy Journal Book

Pregnancy Journal Book - Collecting your thoughts and then putting pen on paper is very useful during pregnancy. You will not only have a personal note in your life during this period; you will create a special gift for your child after many years.  Some of experience is more magical than creating a new life in your body and then watching it grow. Pregnancy is also a time for transformation and deep questions for you. The inner life of pregnant women is very private, powerful and often disturbing. After pregnancy, there is nothing. While maintaining a pregnancy journal book, a woman chose to face rather than ignore the problems that arise during her pregnancy. And the time for calm towards meditation and writings is the most important moment passing through the way of being a mother.

To get started, you can assign a specific time each day to write. Make it scared. Unplug your phone, sit on the balcony under the stars, or enjoy peace as soon as possible. In the days when your life feels crazy, take it while you can. Try to write at least half an hour, but even 10 minutes give strong results. Let go of the judgement. Do not plan what you will write. Instead, let yourself not know that you can find something. Trust first and held anything back. Writing is always right when it comes from the mind for beginners: fresh, surprising, and working, not psychology. Through the departure, tears, tea stains are accepted.

Try to write for 15 or 20 minutes non-stop. Do not think if you feel like stopping, write why you want to quit smoking. If you are having trouble getting started, write about your concerns, your questions, and the uncertainties you might have about writing in the first place. As soon as the first words on the page, you are 90 percent there. There is no right or wrong way to write. Your pregnancy journal book is your personal place, where you can put anything and everything. Always believe that what you write is what you need to write.

The women’s experience in their childbearing years is very diverse but the main issue is often the same. Women write about their bodies, fear of birth, birth, raising children, how to integrate motherhood and career. Women write about all the problems that they  have to repeat the mistakes of their parents. Some people have written about the disturbing experience of uncontrolled emotions from the body and their future, changing their identity, and about their dreams for their children. Much has also been written about joy and happiness that knows no boundaries.

Women who keep their Pregnancy Journal Book or periodically during pregnancy say they have watched the growth as they grow closer to birth. Read what they wrote, they often find that it is not a science view. They found humor in a difficult situation, and they succeeded and clarified confusing feelings, creating precious memories for their children.

Write Your Own Pregnancy Journal Book. There are any Write Your Own Pregnancy Journal Book in here.