The Importance Of Pregnancy Hypertension Journal

Pregnancy Hypertension Journal - Pregnancy hypertension is called toxemia or preeclampsia. This is common in women during the first pregnancy and in young women. This is common in women with multiple fetuses and women who have a history of gestational hypertension, pre-existing diabetes and chronic hypertension. Hypertension pregnancy involves three properties. They are proteins in urine, high blood pressure (readings over 140/90) and swelling (edema).

Eclampsia, a form of high blood pressure can be severe. Women who develop pre-eclampsia usually have a seizure. About 1 in 1600 pregnant women develop pre-eclampsia and have grown in the last few months of pregnancy. The cause of hypertension during pregnancy is obvious. Some circumstances can increase the risk of development. They include: preexisting high blood pressure, hypertension, diabetes, pre-IGD, history of pregnancy hypertension, kidney disease, young women (usually less than 20 years old), and women over the age of 40 years, twins or triplets.

There may be an increase in resistance in arteries and capillaries due to high blood pressure or hypertension. Restricted flow or blood in the different organ system of pregnant women, including the liver, kidney, brain, uterus, and placenta may occur. As a result of high blood pressure pregnancy, other problems can occur as early separation from the placenta of the uterus. It can also cause fetal problems including poor fetal growth and neonatal delivery.

Left untreated, severe gestational hypertension can lead to death episodes of the fetus and the mother. It may even be necessary to have a baby before 37 weeks of gestation. The most common symptoms of hypertention pregnant women are: increased blood pressure, protein in the urine, vomiting, nausea, rapid weight gain, edema, changes in vision such as blurred or double vision, pain in the upper abdomen on the right side. , A list of changes in kidney or liver function tests or urination in small amounts.

The increase in blood pressure often becomes the basis of diagnosis. Additional symptoms can help develop a diagnosis of gestational hypertension. Tests can include: reading blood pressure, edema assessment, urine tests, and eye examinations to check changes in the retina, measuring the weight that often tests blood clots, kidneys and liver function tests. Your doctor will determine a specific treatment for hypertension from pregnancy based on the following: general health, medical history, your overall pregnancy, your blood pressure level, treatment tolerance and specific procedures and expectations for the path of the disease.

The overall goal of treating hypertension is to prevent this condition from becoming worse. Treatment of hypertension during pregnancy can include: bed (either in the hospital or at home), hospitalization (the necessary staff and specialized equipment), magnesium sulfate and fetal monitoring. Caesarean delivery may be recommended it is important to identify women at risk for high blood pressure pregnancy. The complications of this disease will be prevented or minimized. Education warning of symptoms is also important because early detection may help women to cure and prevent disease becoming worse. To get the important information you can read Pregnancy Hypertension Journal.

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