Understanding About Teenage Pregnancy Journals

Teenage Pregnancy Journals – Teenage years should be a year when teenagers begin to learn to become adults. During these years, teenagers learn how to be responsible when dealing with various aspects of life. This is the time the girl started to blossom and the boys learn to be men. Teenage years are also the time when the teenager also make their own decisions. Poor decision-making can cause serious problems such as teen pregnancy among teenagers. Statistics show that about 16 million adolescents between the ages of 15-19 give birth each year. Most of these girls live in developed countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom.

Teen pregnancy is harmful to mother and baby health. This is an issue which is very common nowadays. Full of teenage pregnancy can be stressful for the mind of the mother and body to develop a newly reproductive system. The reason for this, according to one study, is the lack of personal responsibility, lack of sexual education and immaturity. Moreover, teenage pregnancy can also occur for many other reasons such as ignorance. At present, social media film is another reason to increase gender interest among young women. The young are in a very complex life. A girl is studying various aspects of life during these years.

The growing trends of drinking alcohol and poor guidance from parents are the other pregnant young. Most schools now use sex education as part of their program to educate teenagers about their emotions and feelings, but there are still many young people who enjoy unsafe sex. Unsafe sex and dating can lead to unwanted pregnancy for young girls.

It is the parents' duty to educate their young children about this disturbing problem. They  must speak frankly about any issue of early pregnancy. They have to educate them about the different ways these girls can contraception. Young girls do not consciously use contraception. There are several methods of birth control. Condoms can be used as an emergency pill, which can prevent pregnancy during three days of sex. They can also use pills and injections and implants. They should know how to use it correctly because pregnancy can occur because of the improper use of contraception.

If the teenager is already pregnant, the task of friends and family members are to support them during this period. They should encourage taking treatment to change their emotional future plans and around them. Some families want to raise a child by themselves and teach their daughters about how to deal with this situation, but some families will not bring the boy and sent him for adoption by another family. Some rooms also contain abortion, but this is a very unethical way.

Teenage pregnancy is a very crucial time for young girls. They need the support and love of their families at this time by getting pregnant. Young girls can seek help from doctors and professionals because they are usually embarrassed to discuss this problem with a family member. That’s all about teenage pregnancy journals.

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